Chronic Care Management


What is chronic care management?

In medicine, conditions are often divided into two types – acute or chronic. An acute condition is generally one which occurs suddenly, and which may be of a relatively short duration like a cold or flu or requires urgent or emergency care to address, such as an appendicitis. A chronic condition is a medical issue that persists and tends to last for a long time – sometimes a lifetime. Diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are all examples of chronic medical conditions. Chronic care management includes all the steps needed to help keep ongoing medical issues under control.

What kinds of chronic care management are offered?

The type of care provided will depend on the underlying medical condition that’s being treated. Some examples include:

  • EKGs for heart issues

  • regular blood pressure monitoring

  • periodic blood testing or other lab tests for cholesterol and other substances or “markers”

  • diabetes management including nutritional guidance as well as testing

  • ongoing evaluations to determine how the condition is progressing

  • prescription management aimed at “tweaking” dosing as the condition or your overall health change over time

How often will I need to have chronic care services?

That depends on the condition that’s being treated, your age, your overall health and wellness, and other medical and lifestyle factors that could have a bearing on your disease. Regular visits are important not only for lab testing and medications monitoring, but also to receive lifestyle guidance as you get older or your needs or habits change. During your initial exam and evaluation, a routine schedule of visits will be determined to ensure your condition is properly managed for optimal health at every stage of life.