

Access Medical Clinic accepts Medicare, Arkansas Medicaid, ARKids First and ARKids B, Private Insurance Plans, Cash, Check or Debit/Credit Cards. Access Medical Clinic asks that patients pay for services at the time that services are rendered. Please contact your insurance provider prior to your first visit at Access Medical Clinic.

This list is not an all-inclusive list; if you do not see your insurance provider listed please contact the office for any questions regarding insurance.

If you have Arkansas Medicaid or ARKids, Access Medical Clinic requests that you contact ConnectCare for assistance with assigning or changing your Primary Care Provider (PCP) prior to your appointment. To find out which PCP you need to be assigned, we recommend that you call and confirm with the clinic location you wish to schedule your appointment.

ConnectCare Helpline Call Center: 1-800-275-1131 or 501-614-4689, Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.